
Mangas für Deutschland: Luna Lunatic

Japanischer Name:

Luna Lunatic

Internationaler Name:Luna Lunatic
Bisherige Stimmen:6
Aktueller Platz:339
Künstler:Iisaka Yukako
16 year-old Luna is a first-year student at Angelica High School. It looks like it's a Catholic High School, as it is run by nuns. Luna's a cute girl, but she gets in trouble a lot for her behavior. For example, during church services, she was in the back asleep and drooling instead of paying attention. It is after one such event of bad behavior that Luna is punished by having to clean the church. She does so, and pauses to examine a beautiful piece of art on one of the walls. It's like a stone carving where a man's body is coming halfway out...
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